

The company was founded in 1986 . Our initial objective was to market DeVilbiss paint spray equipment from UK and Japan.

A few years later engineering education equipment manufacturing was added.

Over the years, paint spray equipment also cover Binks, Ransburg USA and Nihon Parkerizing Japan.

At the same time Education Equipment Business has grown from import substitute for Thailand market to world wide market.

Quality Assurance : ISO 9001

ESSOM has been certified ISO 9001 Quality Management System since 1999.

Now we have been certified the latest version ISO 9001 : 2015

The scope includes design and manufacturing of engineering education equipment as well as sales and services of both engineering education and paint spray equipment.



Head Office :
Bangkok, Thailand

Staff : over 30
Working Area : 600 sq. m.

Factory :
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Staff : over 60
Working Area : over 2000 sq. m.